Frequently Asked Questions
If I want to mail in a donation, where do I send it?
- Our mailing address is: 224 N. Hwy 67 Suite 9 - Florissant, MO 63031
I have more questions, how can I reach someone?
- You can contact us via email at [email protected] or via phone 314-805-0892. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.
What type of scholarships do you offer?
- We offer financial scholarships for College & Studying Abroad.
Can I apply for more than one scholarship?
- Yes, you can apply for more than one scholarship, but you will only be granted one. We want to allow as many applicants as possible to receive a scholarship.
Can I re-apply for a scholarship?
- Yes, you can apply for a scholarship as many times as you desire. The scholarship is a one time amount. However, you can be granted a scholarship more than once, if you meet all the criteria each time you apply. Scholarships are not automatically granted or renewable. Students must re-apply each year.
When can I apply?
- The scholarship application period is open from February - March. You can apply any time during the application process.
How will I know if I received one of your scholarships?
- The recipient will be notified by the end of May via email and/or US mail.
What is the criteria to be considered for a scholarship?
- You must be a St. Louis resident. You must also be currently enrolled in a local high school or currently enrolled in a college of your choice. See application packet for more information.
Do you offer financial assistance for anything else?
- Yes we offer financial assistance for Tutoring & Mission Trips.
Those are odd things to offer financial assistance for, why those particular things?
- The purpose of this Foundation is to be a true reflection of Marquia Lewis so the things we offer financial assistance for are activities in which she took to heart. Marquia helped her mother tutor students, she went on missions trips because she loved helping others so we want to help others afford to do some of those same things if they so desire.
When can I apply for financial assistance?
- Starting September 2018.
How can I apply for financial assistance?
- You can apply online once the application process is open.
Where can I send more questions?
- Email: [email protected] - please allow up to 48 hours for a response.
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